Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 44: Caribbean Salsa...

I once spent time in the Caribbean working for the Secret Service.  I was on the trail of some villainous Arms Dealers working in the area.  I found their base of operations on an Island off the coast of Nassau.  The only way I could get there was by getting as close as I could by boat and snorkeling the remaining thirteen kilometers at night through shark infested waters.  And these weren’t normal sharks, they were sharks with fricken’ lasers on their heads!

It took me two days of skulking through the jungle to get the photographs I needed to prove the nefarious goings-on on the island.  Going back was a repeat of how I got there, but while I lived like a wild animal among the web of vines, trees and fern, I scavenged what I could to survive.  I took what I found and made this recipe.  I liked it so much, I ate nothing but this for the two days in the bush.


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