Monday, July 05, 2010

Day 22: Southeast Asian Salad...

I was going to start posting all the different recipes of sausage I came up with over the weekend, but with the heat wave threatening to turn this burg into a fried cheese sandwich, I opted for something else.

Today’s recipe, and dinner, was something that I came up with due to the fact that I would rather be dragged across a field of broken glass, and thrown into a pool of lemon juice than turn on the oven or stove. Nor did I fancy the thought of hovering diligently over the hellfire of a charcoal barbecue. The thermometer round here hit 37 degrees in the shade, so cooking dinner was out.

Now I’ve gone through enough Thai and Vietnamese recipes to have something in mind, so after a trip to the grocery store, I had this number whipped up in no time. All you do is assemble it in a large bowl, one step at a time, no fuss, no muss. This is one recipe I will be repeating. It’s plain, damn, good, and keeps you out of the heat...

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