Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 71: Pork and Shrimp Dumpling...

Let’s say you have an empty Sunday, not much to do, but maybe watch TV or a movie.  It’s raining and cold outside, so nursing a warm apple cider, tea or coffee while the screen flickers before you sounds in order.

If, when your cup empties, and you’re looking for something else to do with your hands, you can lay out the tools and ingredients to make some pork and shrimp dumplings.  After an hour or less, you’ll have a cookie sheet covered with Chinese Dumplings!  Freeze them and bag them, and then you can have them any time you want.

You want to impress guests?  Have some ready made, home made dumplings prepared.


1 comment:

Sue Marsden said...

Thanks for posting the fantastic dumpling recipe Keith. I have gone on and on about your dumplings to anyone who will listen and now I can (attempt) to make them day!