Monday, July 03, 2006

How To Walk Like A Penguin

I went cycling today with my brother and we ended up taking a much longer ride than originally planned. I went along the Ottawa River bike path to meet him half way (we live at opposite ends of the city). Well I got all the way to Lincoln Heights before I ran into him, then I turned around and went back to downtown, past Sussex, and onto the Rockcliffe Parkway. When we got to the end of the Rockcliffe Parkway we turned around and came back.

It was a long trip, at 60.29 km. It was funny because when I got back to my place, the odometer was at 58.4 Km, so I rode around the block a couple of times so that I could get the full 60 Km.

The ride took just over 2 and a half hours.

And my average speed was 23.08 km.

With a max speed of 41.81.

In all not a bad ride. I haven’t done much cycling this year yet, so I’m really feeling it this time. At least I got my funny cycling tan, and now I'll walk like a penguin for a few hours.


Rob A. said...

Isn't that a song?

Troy Little said...

Now you can finally become Batmans' nemisis like you always dreamed! Wah-wah-wah-wah-wha!

Keith Savage said...

I don't think that would be such a good idea. I already have a sore ass. I don't need Batman to kick it for me.

Suzanne Marsden said...

Good G*D, hasn't anyone remarked on how amazing cycling 60km in one day is? Let alone doing it in a couple of hours?? Jeez-Louise :-O Penguin or not, it was an impresive effort! Kudos, my good man. Now it makes me want to dig the free bicycle/odometer dealie out of my box of Mini-wheats. Of course then I'd have to cycle. YIKES...