Thursday, September 09, 2010

Day 59: Japanese Risotto...

I’d recently watched a cooking show on risotto, and it got me thinking.  Most cultures across this massive globe make use of rice, so why does risotto need to be a strictly European thing?  I mean really, all you’re doing is cooking rice in a flavourful liquid to develop a creamy sauce out of the starches.  Everything else just adds to the taste.  Now, having a large selection of Asian supplies handy at all times, I decided on Japanese, because Sushi rice is similar to the short grain arborio style you normally cook risotto with, and I had plenty of that.  Then it was a matter of picking up anything Japanese equivalent to what you might find in Italian risotto.  The rest was just tasty.  I doubt it, but I like to think I’m the first person on the planet to try this.


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