Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well boys and girls, another Monday night is coming, and along with that, the last Alfred Hitchcock double bill at the Mayfair.

On Monday night of the 27th, starting at 7 PM is The Birds. It's a fun little story about a multitude of birds that swarm a seaside American town. I can't see what the fuss is all about, being chased by birds can't be all that bad...


Then at 9:15 PM is Frenzy. One of Hitchcock's last great classics, and considering it was his second last film, it' really is amazing that he still had it in him to put out such a twisted, great, humorous, tense, and engaging thriller.


I hope you can make it out, and treat yourself to some of the greatest films ever made.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Okay boys and girls, another Monday is almost here, which means that another night of Hitchcock movies is coming to the Mayfair theatre.

It will be a fun evening as the Mayfair gets into Hitchcock’s classic Hollywood years.

This Monday, on the 20th, will be playing Vertigo at 7, and then at 9:30 comes Psycho.

Vertigo is considered his most personal film, as it deals with obsession -- and blondes...

Psycho is often looked on as Hitchcock’s greatest film, which is probably due to it being his most intensely suspenseful. After over 40 years it still has the power to shock, which can’t be said for even today’s shockers.

That’s all from me, so I hope you can make it out to the Mayfair theatre to see two of the greatest films ever made.