Well after battling laziness, horrible diseases, food poisoning, work, stress, and anxiety, and a lack of things to post, I finally came up with something.
I’ve started re-writing my book. I’m already through the first part and getting into the second, really hefty middle part. I have a lot to do, but after leaving it alone for some time, I'm pleased to say that I’m not cringing from going over my first attempts to write a book. There are many things to fix if I want it to work as a cohesive story with a point, but I can see the shape of things. There’s something there in the clay, and I have more bits to whittle off, but It wasn't a waste of time. Sorry to use that tired metaphor, but it was there and handy.
I’m going through it fast, so that even though I’m behind schedule, I know I will catch up fast. Plus it gives me an excuse to hang out on my deck and relax, listen to music, and keep tabs on my iChat.
I’ll have more later.